Bl3 Gibbed Save Editor Ps4

Latest version

Save Wizard for PS4 MAX, the first and only save editor for PlayStation 4. Our in-house produced and tested cheats help you win any game, making you unbeatable. In case you have questions, check out our FAQ section to get all your answers. WillowTree# is a save editor for Borderlands written in C#. It can read, edit, and convert savegame files from PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 versions of the Borderlands game. It has a storage locker that can be used to transfer items between characters.

  • Hope you enjoy this save pack of the best items in the game with legit parts! If you see any item missing or any errors let me know on a Nexus post and I will update ASAP! You CANNOT upload these saves without my permission and if you do then at least credit me! Big thanks to Baysix for the creation of the Online Save Editor!
  • Guide This Spreadsheet provides a code for each unique weapon/item with mostly perfect parts. It also lists all of the relevant parts that are used for each weapon/item. The Parts column lists all the variable parts used, it does not list the following: fixed parts, the element if the weapon c.
  • Gibbed's save editor for Borderlands! Almost easy to use and yes. This save editor can edit weapons like add scope or change barrel and change their quality! Can also change your character and add credits and everything!!1.


Borderlands 3 Savegame Editor

Project description

This project is a commandline Python-based Borderlands 3 Savegameand Profile Editor. It's a companion to the very similarCLI editor for BL2/TPS,and provides some very similar functionality. It can be usedto level up your characters, unlock Mayhem modes early in thegame, unlock TVHM, add SDUs, unlock equipment slots, and more.

This editor has only been tested on PC Savegames -- other platforms'savegames are not supported at the moment.

Please keep the following in mind:

  • This app does not have any graphical interface. You must beon a commandline in order to use it.
  • The app has only very limited item-editing capability at themoment, which is restricted to:
    • Item Levels can be changed
    • Mayhem Level can be set on items
  • It does not offer any direct ability to alter Guardian Rank status.
  • While I have not experienced any data loss with the app,take backups of your savegames before using this, andkeep in mind that it could end up corrupting your saves. Ifyou do encounter any data loss problems, please contact meand I'll try to at least fix whatever bug caused it.
  • Installation

This editor requires Python 3, and has beentested on 3.7 and 3.8. It also requires the protobuf package.

The easiest way to install this app is via pip/pip3. Once Python 3 isinstalled, you should be able to run this to install the app:

Once installed, there should be a few new commandline utilities availableto you. The main editor is bl3-save-edit, and you can see its possiblearguments with -h/--help:

There's also a bl3-save-info utility which just shows some informationabout a specified savefile. You can see its possible arguments with-h/--help as well:

If you've got a raw savegame protobuf file that you've hand-edited (orotherwise processed) that you'd like to import into an existing savegame,you can do that with bl3-save-import-protobuf:

Alternatively, if you've got a savegame exported as JSON that you'd liketo import into an existing savegame, you can do that withbl3-save-import-json:

Finally, there's a utility which I'd used to generate myBL3 Savegame Archive Page.This one won't be useful to anyone but me, but you can view its argumentsas well, if you like:

There are also profile-specific versions of most of those commands, whichcan be used to edit the main BL3 profile.sav:


When a new version is available, you can update using pip3 like so:

You can check your current version by running any of the apps with the-V/--version argument:

Notes for People Using Windows

This is a command-line utility, which means there's no graphical interface,and you'll have to run it from either a Windows cmd.exe prompt, or presumablyrunning through PowerShell should work, too. The first step is toinstall Python:

  • The recommended way is to install Python from what's available in the 3.x series (at time of writing, that's either3.8.2 or 3.7.7), and when it's installing, make sure to check the checkboxwhich says something like 'add to PATH', so that you can run Python from thecommandline directly.
  • If you're on Windows 10, you can apparently just type python3 into a commandprompt to be taken to the Windows store, where you can install Python withjust one click. I've heard reports that this method does not provide theability to add Python to your system PATH, though, so it's possible thatrunning it would be more complicated.

When it's installed, test that you can run it from the commandline. Open upeither cmd.exe or PowerShell, and make sure that you see something like thiswhen you run python -V:

If that works, you can then run the pip3 install bl3-cli-saveedit commandas mentioned above, and use the commandline scripts to edit to your heart'scontent.

Running from Github

Alternatively, if you want to download or run the Github version ofthe app: clone the repository and then install protobuf (you canuse pip3 install -r requirements.txt to do so, though a pip3 install protobufwill also work just fine).

You can then run the scripts directly from the Github checkout, thoughyou'll have to use a slightly different syntax. For instance, rather thanrunning bl3-save-edit -h to get help for the main savegame editor, youwould run:

The equivalents for each of the commands are listed in their individualREADME files, linked below.

Finding Savegames

This app doesn't actually know where your savegames or profiles are located.When you give it a filename, it'll expect that the file lives in your 'current'directory, unless the filename includes all its path information. When launchinga cmd.exe on Windows, for instance, you'll probably start out in your homedirectory (C:Usersusername), but your savegames will actually live in adirectory more like C:UsersusernameMy DocumentsMy GamesBorderlands 3SavedSaveGames<numbers>.The easiest way to run the utilities is to just use cd to go into the dirwhere your saves are (or otherwise launch your commandline in the directory youwant). Otherwise, you could copy the save into your main user dir (and thencopy back after editing), or even specify the full paths with the filenames.

For instructions on using the Savegame portions of the editor,

FOr instructions on using the Profile portions of the editor,

  • Would anyone appreciate an option to delete Fabricators? Hm.
  • If we fail to read a savefile or profile, might be nice to actually checkif it's the other of profile-or-savefile, and give a more helpful message inthose cases.
  • Something a bit more Enum-like for various things in; Iknow that's not very Pythonic, but when dealing with extra-Python dataformats, one must sometimes make exceptions.
  • Unit tests?

The encryption/decryption stanzas in BL3Save.__init__ and BL3Save.save_towere helpfully provided by Gibbed(rick 'at' gibbed 'dot' us), so many thanks for that! The protobuf definitionsare also provided by Gibbed, from hisBorderlands3Protos repo,and used with permission. Gibbed also kindly provided the exact hashingmechanism used to work with weapon skins and trinkets.

The rest of the savegame format was gleaned from 13xforever/Ilya'sgvas-converter project:

Many thanks also to Baysix, who endured an awful lot of basic questions aboutpulling apart item serial numbers. Without their help, we wouldn't haveitem level editing (or nice item names in the output)!

Basically what I'm saying is that anything remotely 'hard' in here is all thanksto lots of other folks. I'm just pasting together all their stuff. Thanks, all!

All code in this project is licensed under thezlib/libpng license. A copy isprovided in COPYING.txt.

Various BL3 Savegame/Profile editors have been popping up, ever since Gibbedreleased the encryption details. Here's a few which could be more to yourliking, if you didn't want to use this one for whatever reason:

  • Baysix's Web-Based Editor - Just web-based fornow; sourcecode release is still forthcoming.
  • Raptor's CLI Tools - These are writtenin Go, and the project has easy downloads for Windows,Mac, and Linux (in addition to the sourcecode).
  • FromDarkHell's Profile Editor -Written in C#, has EXE downloads for ease of use on Windows.
  • sandsmark's borderlands3-save-editor -Written in C++ with Qt for GUI. Is still in development. Native downloadsfor Windows, but should compile fine on other platforms.
  • HackerSmaker's CSave Editor - Cross-platformcommandline editor written in C. Has a terminal (ncurses) UI on UNIX-like OSes.

v1.10.2 - November 10, 2020

  • Updated internal inventory DB with a minor change which was in the previous GBXpatch. (Probably no actual functionality changes with this.)

v1.10.1 - November 10, 2020

  • A second patch was released, about 12 hours after the Designer's Cut release, whichupdated the protobufs and was causing us to not read saves properly. This has beenfixed up now.
  • Also require at least protobuf v3.12, which appears to be required as of mylatest protobuf generation.

v1.10.0 - November 9, 2020

  • Updated with DLC5 (Designer's Cut) support

v1.9.2 - October 8, 2020

  • Added in the missed weapon skin 'Porphyrophobia,' from Bloody Harvest 2020.

v1.9.1 - September 30, 2020

  • Fixed unlocking FL4K's 'Antisoci4l' head (though you should still getthat one all legit-like)

v1.9.0 - September 10, 2020

  • Updated with DLC4 (Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck) support

v1.8.2 - July 27, 2020

  • Updated to allow unlocking the Battle Driver and Devil Tooth weapon trinkets, sincethe July 23 patch fixed those so that they properly stay in your profile.

v1.8.1 - July 14, 2020

  • --item-mayhem-max and --item-mayhem-levels will now apply Mayhem parts togrenades as well as weapons.

v1.8.0 - July 11, 2020

  • Added --mayhem-seed option to bl3-save-edit, to set the random seed used todetermine active Mayhem modifiers. The seed is now shown in the bl3-save-infooutput, as well.

v1.7.2 - July 6, 2020

  • Allow characters to use skill trees properly if levelled higher directly from level 1.

v1.7.1 - June 29, 2020

  • Added three more DLC3 room decorations that I'd missed orginally, for the profileeditor's cosmetic-unlock ability
  • Added Jetbeast unlocks (both parts and skins)

v1.7.0 - June 26, 2020

  • Updated for DLC3 (Bounty of Blood) content
    • Jetbeast vehicle unlocks are forthcoming, until I can actually test them out.
  • Added various Guardian Rank processing
    • For savegames and profiles, added --zero-guardian-rank
    • For only profiles, added --min-guardian-rank, --guardian-rank-rewards, and--guardian-rank-tokens
  • Added --unlock cubepuzzle to reset the Eridian Cube puzzle in Desolation's Edge
  • Added --clear-takedowns to get rid of the Takedown mission-pickup notificationsfor chars you never intend to do Takedowns with.
  • Item name processing will now recognize the specific legendary artifact balancesadded by the Maliwan Takedown update (they're functionally identical to the world-drop versions)
  • Updated bl3-process-archive-saves to wipe out Guardian Rank entirely

v1.6.2 - June 18, 2020

  • Allow setting character/item levels higher than the currently-known max, in caseusers want to pre-level their saves ahead of level cap increases (and in casethey don't want to wait for an official update of this app)

v1.6.1 - June 13, 2020

  • Updated room decoration/trinket/weaponskin alphabetization to ignore case (so'Casino Banner' sorts before 'COV Bat,' for instance).
  • Counts of unlocked cosmetic items in bl3-profile-info will now include the'default' cosmetics which are always unlocked, so those counts match the numbersin-game.

v1.6.0 - June 11, 2020

  • Updated for extra content introduced by Takedown at the Guardian Breach
  • Added --golden-keys option to bl3-profile-edit, to set available Golden Keys
  • Added --randomize-guid option to bl3-save-edit

v1.5.2 - May 23, 2020

  • Updated item name mapping to include the COM Balances used by Trials bosses, fortheir dedicated COM drops.
  • Add in the --csv option to allow importing/exporting items into CSV files,instead of just text files (which is the default without --csv). Has no effectexcept on item imports/exports.

v1.5.1 - May 5, 2020

  • Fixed alphabetization of COV Buzzaxe room decoration. In the game data it lookslike it's called 'Psycho Buzzaxe,' but the actual in-game label is COV Buzzaxe.
  • Fixed name displays for 'regular' (non-E-Tech, non-Legendary) Maliwan snipers andTediore pistols.
  • Updated item name mapping to distinguish between the blue-rarity mission rewardversion of Redistributor from the legendary version from Maliwan Takedown.
  • Updated bl3-process-archive-saves to clear out some 3rd-playthrough datawhich earlier versions had accidentally introduced (only really of interestto myself)

v1.5.0 - April 28, 2020

  • Added ability to alter Mayhem level for items, both in savegames and profile.--item-mayhem-max will set items to the max Mayhem level (10), or--item-mayhem-levels <num> will set a specific level (0 to remove Mayhemfrom items entirely).
  • Item level reports when viewing contents or exporting items will includethe Mayhem levels
  • Info views will show the total number of available SDUs along with thepurchased count
  • Various internal code reorganization

v1.4.0 - April 23, 2020

  • Updated for the Cartels + Mayhem 2.0 patch:
    • Update item/weapon handling to understand new serial number versions
    • Added in new cosmetic unlocks
    • Mayhem level can now be set as high as 10
    • Extra SDU levels added
    • Fixed a bug related to viewing vehicle unlocks, thanks to new game data
  • Introduction of profile editing utilities, via bl3-profile-edit,bl3-profile-info, bl3-profile-import-json, and bl3-profile-import-protobuf.The following functionality is supported:
    • Importing/Exporting to both JSON and Protobuf
    • Importing/Exporting items to/from the bank
    • Altering the level of gear stored in the bank
    • Unlocking all global customizations/cosmetics
    • Alphabetizing the list of room decorations, trinkets, and weapon skins
  • Display changes for bl3-save-info - introduced individual arguments toshow more detailed information as-requested, instead of only having aglobal -v/--verbose option:
    • Added -i/--items argument, to show inventory information
    • Added --fast-travel argument, to show unlocked fast travel stations
    • Added --all-challenges argument, to list all challenges in the save fileand their statuses (note: this will be over 1.5k items!)
    • Added --all-missions argument, to list all completed missions in additionto active ones
    • -v/--verbose now implies the four options above.
  • bl3-save-info will now also report on whether the savegame has finished themain game or any of the DLCs.
  • Added --unfinish-nvhm option to bl3-save-edit, to completely clear outany TVHM data and pretend that NVHM was never finished.

v1.3.1 - April 14, 2020

  • Bah, forgot a few more README tweaks about the JSON export/import

v1.3.0 - April 14, 2020

  • Added json output type, to export the protobuf as encoded into JSON
  • Added bl3-save-import-json utility, to load JSON into a savegame

v1.2.2 - April 12, 2020

  • Updated README with some more specific Windows 10 installation advice.

v1.2.1 - April 12, 2020

  • Updated Credits section of the README with one more credit that I'dwanted to put in but forgot. :)

v1.2.0 - April 12, 2020

  • Added ability to change item/weapon levels, using --items-to-charor --item-levels
  • Item Imports will now not import Fabricators unless explicitlytold to with the --allow-fabricator option.
  • Item names and levels are now shown where appropriate:
    • In verbose bl3-save-info output
    • In item export files
    • While importing items
  • Updated to Protobuf v3, which is what BL3 itself uses. Now when were-save without any edits, the save should be identical to theoriginal savegame.
  • Item export will now be done without any encryption, so an item willhave the exact same item code regardless of where it came from(previously, item codes would change every time the game was saved,so the same item could have very different-looking codes)
  • Added -V/--version flag to show version number

v1.1.1 - April 7, 2020

Bl3 Ps4 Save Files

  • Added in Citizen Science mission name.

v1.1.0 - April 7, 2020

  • Added bl3-save-import-protobuf command, to load a raw protobuf fileinto an existing savegame.

v1.0.1 - April 5, 2020

  • Some saves include Eridium as an ammo type, presumably related to theFabricator. Fixed a crash in bl3-save-info related to that.

v1.0.0 - April 5, 2020

  • Initial version

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Rick Gibbed Save Editor Bl3









Bl3 Gibbed Save Editor Ps4 Mod







Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Files for bl3-cli-saveedit, version 1.10.2
Filename, sizeFile typePython versionUpload dateHashes
Filename, size bl3_cli_saveedit-1.10.2-py3-none-any.whl (268.6 kB) File type Wheel Python version py3 Upload dateHashes
Filename, size bl3-cli-saveedit-1.10.2.tar.gz (251.7 kB) File type Source Python version None Upload dateHashes

Hashes for bl3_cli_saveedit-1.10.2-py3-none-any.whl

Hashes for bl3_cli_saveedit-1.10.2-py3-none-any.whl
AlgorithmHash digest

Hashes for bl3-cli-saveedit-1.10.2.tar.gz

Hashes for bl3-cli-saveedit-1.10.2.tar.gz
AlgorithmHash digest